Sunday, August 7, 2011


Guess what we found in the coop yesterday?

AN EGG!!  (finally!)

It's very small, but it's perfectly formed and very lovely. And you have to start somewhere. I hope she (whoever she is) will tell the other ladies that it wasn't so scary or horrible and set a good example for the rest of them. Because one tiny egg is not going to be quite enough.

I have a picture of the egg but Grace is spending the night away and we promised we would not crack it open until she was here, so I will put up some pictures when I can include the inside and some shots of us enjoying it. Holy smokes do we love eggs. A lot.

1 comment:

Elle said...

hello! i am so excited to read about all the things you're doing. i am a friend of Ann and Steve's, and i was interested in some of your goats milk! we have been feeding our pigs scraps, fresh cows milk and regular feed but Betsy's milk is so delicious and i love cooking with it and making cheese ect., so if we could coordinate then it would be perfect me and the piggies, we both get what we want! i live all the way at the south end of lincoln city very close to Ann and Steve but have to drive north today and tomorrow i believe so maybe i can come by and just visit or whatever. i will call if i dont get a response because i'm not sure how often you check the comments. :) my phone number is 619 384 7590, my email address is and I check it a few times a day. hope to hear from you soon!
Eleanor Berton