Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Thursday, July 7th

We had a great week playing Summer Vacation! At the start of the week we had decided to do no non-essential chores and have fun playing. And we did it! Mike and I both prefer to work and get very anxious when we don't have a project (or five) going, so this was an actual challenge for us. But we persevered and in the end we triumphed! The house is a mess! There is no new cheese! All construction stopped! I didn't even make bread! We did have a momentary lapse where we had a "meeting" to assess our progress from the last year, revise the "five-year" plan, and make very detailed six-month and one-year plans. I will write a separate post about that because I think it would be interesting for some of you to see where we have been and where we are going. Here is what we did instead:

We got the new goats of course. We made some new friends and connected with some old ones, attending a party at a near-by vegetable farm. Not like our farm. It's an actual farm where they grow stuff and sell it for a business. It was a fun evening and helped us narrow down our goals a little. Mike went fishing with some friends. Grace and I spent a few days with my mom. We watched the fireworks, went to a parade, and ate a ton of junk food. Grace went to a party at her friend's house. AND THEN we went to the water park in Mcminnville. (Recommended. It was super fun!) We also spent a fair amount of time skipping stones and napping. Plus the weather was gorgeous! So that's what we did instead of working! Don't worry we will be back to our natural state by Friday. Go!

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