Tuesday, January 4, 2011


For those of you who don't know how this works (this statement assumes that there are people who read this that I don't personally know. Which is false, of course, but sometimes I like to pretend), I work in Portland for five days and then I come back to the farm for nine. Mike is the real farmer, but I like to do a little bread winning here and there. Really I just like the bread, but there you are, plans take money. I am driving home in the morning to start the nine days "off" and I like to have some projects lined up. Let's see what this week has in store, shall we?

First, another fact about me: I love lists. I love them. Almost compulsively. You will see a lot of lists here. Both numbered and bulleted.

1) I have been working on a bread recipe. All by myself. That I MADE UP OUT OF MY HEAD. It is a sourdough sandwich bread. It's delightful and almost perfect. This week I will settle on a final version of the recipe AND I will begin, and possibly finish, a whole wheat version too. Because white bread is lovely, but we cannot neglect out bowels. Also I will post the recipe, WITH PICTURES, on this blog.

2) I will make at least one new type of cheese. Possibly as many as three.

3) I make some dinners to put in the freezer for Mike and Grace.

4) I will take down the Christmas decorations. This one will almost certainly not turn into a blog post. Because who cares?

5) This one is exciting! I will clean the spare room and begin to move Grace in there. We are preparing to do the first big remodel on the house. And Grace is the winner because she is a beloved only child. And because her room is super gross, a tiny bit creepy, has almost no insulation, and has a ton of potential. There will be much more on this. It's a very big project. For now we will mostly be going through all her clothes and toys and getting rid of absolutely everything we possibly can and setting up a space for her in the spare bedroom.

That's it for the main plans. There are some other things, but they are uninteresting, inconsequential, or not that likely to happen. The main point is that this week I am determined to not just lay around, eat cookies, and play video games.

For more than two days.

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