Sunday, July 31, 2011

Lazy and Grouchy

Sorry for the relatively long delay. My work schedule has been not exactly as I prefer it to be for the last month or so and this has resulted in extreme grouchiness on my part, which means no blogging. I usually work all my days in a row so I can have longer stretches off because I find it very hard to switch between days and nights (I work at night), so when I have only a few days off I do stuff like sleep until noon and then stumble around complaining about how the day is half gone for the next few hours and then I think 9:45 is an appropriate time to eat dinner. Also I try to cram a lot into my time off. And I get very grouchy about leaving. All of that make me feel like I don't have time to blog.

So for now you get some bullet-point style updates and that's it. But don't fret. I am back to my regular schedule and my glorious nine-day-off stretches starting Wednesday morning.
  • We picked, canned, and froze almost 50 pounds of raspberries and Marion berries.
  • In related news I had my first ever bee sting. It was dumb.
  • I opened several aged cheeses. Some were good. One was quite good. Others not so much. I am frustrated and I am not sure exactly how to fix my mistakes.
  • I made (and ate) pretty much butter from a friend's cow milk. I do love cream.
  • I have tomatoes and cucumbers and peppers on a pretty regular basis now.
  • We are wrapping up Grace's room construction.
  • We ate another chicken.
  • One of the baby goats had diarrhea, but I nursed him back to health and now he is perfect again.
  • And those are the things. Pictures soon.

1 comment:

PDXNurse said...

I totally got stung by a bee on the 31st! I remember it well, because it was the day after I rolled my ankle on my way to a birthday party, and it was in my "good" foot, so I was particularly miffed. BTW your blog rocks, we want to come visit your farm, and somehow, someday, buy some cheese and eggs off you, if that is a possibility. Miss you!