Thursday, November 11, 2010

Baking Day

It's Thursday, and Thursday is almost always baking day. Plus I am feeling kind of sick and a little blue, and bread always makes me feel better. I try to make all of the bread and bread-related products for our family. But lately all of my sandwich bread has been less than fantastic. So I decided to give sandwich loaves a rest and make only crusty loaves and sourdough boules and maybe brioche and fancy rolls for a while. Maybe I am just bored with PB&J and grilled cheese and I have stopped paying attention. So today I made two loaves of crusty French bread (they are baking while I write and it smells like heaven in here).

Sorry for the bad picture, if Megan would get a better phone this might not happen.

And then because my sourdough starter was all fed and ready I started looking through some new recipes and decided to make a multi-grain sourdough sandwich bread (which is a new recipe and involves sourdough so it's not really cheating). That's finishing up it's last rise right now and can go into the oven after the French bread finishes up. Finished picture:

And then I will make apple pie. Because it is "bake apple pie for a veteran day." Some years it is "bake German chocolate cake for a veteran day" but this year we had a ton of apples, and I made a half dozen or so quarts of pie filling to can. So pie it is! Everyone knows that veterans love pie!

Is this an unreasonable amount of bread for a family of three? Maybe. Probably. But I can't seem to stop myself. Sometimes I feel like my sourdough starter will get sad if I don't use it enough and let it know how loved it is, so I think I might make just plain sourdough tomorrow and sourdough cinnamon rolls for Saturday breakfast. Or sourdough pancakes.

Other Notable Stuff:

I picked a lovely large bowl of spinach from the greenhouse today. This is our first greenhouse food and our first non-lettuce food (granted it is very lettuce-like, but still . . .)

The cover crop is starting to sprout in the muddy muddy garden.

Highs in the low 50's and Lows in the 30's
1.5 inches of rain since the 7th

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